Seychelles Dining and Food

Juliet D'cruz

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Chinese stir-fries and grilled or steamed seafood; and aromatic combinations of garlic, ginger, and herbs from La Belle France had long delighted the tables of the archipelago and restaurants in Mahe, Seychelles.


Many Seychellois could have been forgiven for raising an eyebrow when “fusion” cuisine became popular. Curries from India, spicy and softened with coconut cream; Chinese stir-fries and grilled or steamed seafood; and aromatic combinations of garlic, ginger, and herbs from La Belle France had long delighted the tables of the archipelago and restaurants in Mahe, Seychelles.

Creole cuisine is fusion without the frills – just magnificent fresh produce cooked in a variety of mouth-watering ways, complemented by the bountiful seafood of the Indian Ocean and a cornucopia of tropical fruits and vegetables.

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Seychelles’ Specialties 

The fish of the Indian Ocean is enormous, meaty, and flavorful, therefore seafood is a natural first option in Seychelles restaurants. The rounded red snapper, also known as bourse, has a soft chicken-like flavor and is frequently grilled with garlic and ginger and eaten whole with a salad or rice and vegetables.

Tuna and kingfish steaks are deliciously grilled or fried in garlic butter, and parrotfish are typically deep-fried and served with a spicy tomato Creole sauce. Swordfish are also grilled, and sailfish are frequently smoked in the same way that salmon is. 

Shark is served as a “chutney,” which is stir-fried with onions, herbs, and the savory bilimbi fruit. Order these and indulge from whichever Resort Suites in Seychelles you are staying at.

Smaller fish, such as mackerel, jobfish, and rabbitfish, are grilled or prepared in curry, fish soup, or stew. Because one of its glands secretes an intoxicant, the rabbitfish, kordonye in Creole, is known as “the fish that makes women drunk.” It has a pleasant flavor, but it may cause both men and women to become tipsy after eating it.

Octopus, or court, is a traditional Seychelles delicacy that must be cooked until tender before being sliced into a cold seafood cocktail or added to a hot creamy coconut stew. They’re amazing to have after exploring some of the best snorkeling packages in Seychelles.

The small white shellfish tec are combined with pumpkin and made into a soup. Sea snails are served in their beautiful green and white shells, loaded with diced meat, spices, and garlic. Turtles, which were previously a favorite meal of passing sailors, are now protected by law and hence do not appear on any restaurant menu.

Millionaire’s Salad is a popular starter, so-called because it requires the cutting down of an entire palm tree to collect the heart – a somewhat sweet, cold, crunchy vegetable that is the salad’s main ingredient.

Bird eggs (the most frequent being terns) aren’t constantly available, but when they are, they’re usually eaten hard-boiled or in an omelet. They have a brilliant orange color that contrasts sharply with the yellow of chicken eggs. Curried fruit bat, which tastes a little like rabbit and is a traditional Seychelles delicacy, is also a bit of an acquired taste. It’s difficult to consume due to the numerous little bones.


In Seychelles, it is thought that eating Food or breadfruit ensures your return. There’s lots of it, whether it’s boiled, chopped up as matchstick chips, or grilled with plenty of butter to enhance the nutty potato flavor.

Other fruits abound, of course. The odor of jackfruit is slightly off-putting, but the flavor is wonderfully sweet. Avocados, aubergines (often served as fritters), passion fruit, and papaya grow in abundance and are equally common on restaurant menus.

Bananas of various varieties, notably St. Jacques plantains, are grown for use in savory cuisines. Seychelles refer to custard apples as “ox hearts.” The aerosol, sometimes known as soursop, is a lesser-known fruit with creamy white flesh and a similar sweet flavor. Local youngsters and tortoises both enjoy the Jamalc, a smooth-skinned, cone-shaped fruit with an apple-like flavor.

Pineapples and oranges are sometimes combined with onions and black pepper in a salad. In April and May, giant grapefruit with thick skins and luscious pink flesh are in season. Bigerades, similar to kumquats, are too sour to consume raw, so they’re juiced or converted into marmalade.

The coconut, which can be eaten fresh Food, thinly sliced and toasted, shredded, or as a very sticky nougat, is the last but certainly not least of the islands’ bounty. Cutting the top off a fresh coconut and sipping the juice is incredibly refreshing, and it’s said to be a cure-all for jet lag and hangovers.


When it comes to drinks

Coco d’Amour is a liqueur that comes in a bottle shaped like a coco de Mer nut and has a texture similar to Bailey’s Irish Cream. Ecu and Seybrew, both lagers, and Guinness, which is unexpectedly popular, are among the local beers.

Toddy and color, both prepared from coconut sap, are often sold by the bottle at small roadside taverns and can be used to flavor several Creole meals. If you eat too much of either of these, you’ll need a pint or two of Eau de Val Riche, the local mineral water – or some of that cure-all coconut juice.

Fishermans Cove Resort has some of Seychelles’ best bars and restaurants for Food. Visit them right now to enjoy these delicacies and a drink while viewing the magnificent sunset on a lovely beach.