What Is Advisory Jurisdiction?

Juliet D'cruz

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what is advisory jurisdiction

Are you curious to know what is advisory jurisdiction? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about advisory jurisdiction in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is advisory jurisdiction?

What Is Advisory Jurisdiction?

Advisory jurisdiction refers to the power of a court or other legal body to issue non-binding opinions on legal questions presented to it by other branches of government or interested parties. In this blog, we will explore everything you need to know about advisory jurisdiction, including its definition, examples, and significance.

Definition Of Advisory Jurisdiction

Advisory jurisdiction is the power of a court or legal body to issue advisory opinions on legal questions that do not involve a specific case or controversy. This means that the court is not making a ruling or decision on an actual dispute between parties but is instead providing guidance or advice on a legal issue.

Examples Of Advisory Jurisdiction

One example of advisory jurisdiction is the ability of the Supreme Court of the United States to issue advisory opinions to the President or Congress on matters of constitutional law. In some countries, such as India, the Supreme Court has the power to issue advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by the President or Governor of a state.

Another example of advisory jurisdiction is the ability of some international courts, such as the International Court of Justice, to issue advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to them by the United Nations General Assembly or other international organizations.

Significance Of Advisory Jurisdiction

Advisory jurisdiction is significant because it allows courts or legal bodies to provide guidance on legal issues without being bound by the specific facts or circumstances of a particular case. This can be particularly useful in cases where there is no actual dispute between parties, but there is a need for legal guidance or clarification on a particular issue.

Advisory opinions can also be helpful in shaping public policy and guiding legislative action. For example, if a court issues an advisory opinion on the constitutionality of a proposed law, it can help lawmakers make informed decisions about whether to move forward with the legislation.


Advisory jurisdiction is the power of a court or legal body to issue non-binding opinions on legal questions presented to it by other branches of government or interested parties. It is significant because it allows for legal guidance and clarification on issues without being bound by the specific facts of a particular case. Examples of advisory jurisdiction include the ability of the Supreme Court of the United States to issue advisory opinions on constitutional law and the power of some international courts to issue opinions on legal questions submitted to them by international organizations.


What Is Advisory Jurisdiction Class 11?

Advisory jurisdiction: The President of India can seek opinions with any issues that involve the interpretation of the public of the Constitution of the Supreme Court for advice.

Does High Court Have Advisory Jurisdiction?

A similar power vests with High Courts which can advise in case the State government or if there is a reference from the Governor of the State. As it is in the case of the Apex Court where the advice is not binding, similarly, the advice given by the High Court is not binding on the authority that sought it.

Why Is There An Advisory Jurisdiction?

Advisory jurisdiction is needed when a constitutional body or a lower court seeks the advice of the higher court in a law matter. Advisory opinion means the opinion of the judge of the court.

Which Courts Have Advisory Jurisdiction?

The Supreme Court has original, appellate, and advisory jurisdiction.


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