PPLO Full Form & Meaning 

Juliet D'cruz

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PPLO Full Form & Meaning

Are you looking for the correct and proper PPLO full form? If so, then you are at the right place. Because here I will give you the difference full forms and meanings in easy and simple style. Therefore, to understand the full forms and meanings of the PPLO, read this article till the end. The PPLO term is mainly used in Biology, therefore if you are a science student then this article gives you double benefits as compared to others. Instead of other discussion let us come on to the main topic and start to study all modes of meanings of the PPLO term and understand what is the PPLO full form?   

PPLO Full Form 

The full form of the PPLO is the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms 

P – Pleuron 

P – Pneumonia 

L – Like 

PPLO Full Form 

O – Organisms

The PPLO is an abbreviation of the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms, which is used to describe the Mycoplasmas. The Mycoplasmas are a bunch of pleomorphic micro-organisms in which cell wall is absent and lack of ability to form colonies on agar resembling tiny fried eggs. 

PPLO Full Form In Biology 

The full form of the PPLO in biology is the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms 

P – Pleuron 

P – Pneumonia 

L – Like 

PPLO Full Form In Biology

O – OrganismsIn biology, the PPLO means the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organism who is the smallest cell or organism having a size of between 0.1 and 0.3 mm. The PPLO are included in the smallest free-living prokaryotes and it often called Mycoplasma Like Organisms. The PPLO was discovered by Pasteur in 1843 while working on the possible causal agents of Pleuropneumonia of cattle. 

PPLO Bacteria Full Form 

The full form of the PPLO bacteria is the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms 

P – Pleuron 

P – Pneumonia 

L – Like 

PPLO Bacteria Full Form

O – OrganismsThe PPLO bacteria are the smallest free-living prokaryotes organism without a cell wall and the ability to form colonies on agar resembling tiny fried eggs. The PPLO is capable of independent growth and reproduction without any help. 

PPLO Stands For 

The PPLO stands for the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms 

P – Pleuron 

P – Pneumonia 

L – Like 

O – Organisms

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Why Mycoplasma Is Called PPLO?

The Mycoplasma is called the PPLO because both Mycoplasma and the PPLO are similar kinds of the organism which lack cell walls and ability to form colonies on agar resembling tiny fried eggs.

Which Is The Smallest Known Cell? 

The Cerebellum’s Granule Cell is the smallest cell in the human body and its size is between 4 mm to 4.5 mm long. 

What Is The Size Of The Smallest Cell? 

The size of the smallest cell is between 4 mm to 4.5 mm long. 

Who Discovered PPLO? 

The PPLO was discovered by Pasteur in 1843. 

Can PPLO Survive Without Oxygen?

The organisms without a cell wall and can live without oxygen are mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma is the simplest and the smallest of the free living prokaryotes. They were discovered in pleural fluid of cattle suffering from pleuropneumonia. They are often called PPLO (Pleuropneumonia like organisms).

What Is PPLO Media Used For?

PPLO (Mycoplasma) agars and broths, when supplemented with nutritive enrichments, are used for isolating and cultivating Mycoplasma. Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey) is used for the cultivation of avian mycoplasmas.

What Type Of Bacteria Is PPLO?

Explanation of correct option: PPLO is pleura Pneumonia Like Organisms. The smallest free-living prokaryotic organisms are PPLO. These organisms survive without oxygen.

Is PPLO The Smallest Cell In The World?

PPLO is pleuropneumonia-like organisms. It is also known as mycoplasma and has a diameter of 0.1 micrometers. It is the smallest known cell.

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Thus, above we have done a brief study of the PPLO term in the form of its different meanings and all kinds of full forms. Often, I have given some answers to the frequently asked questions by people. The PPLO stands for the Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms, which is a cell or organism without cell walls and the ability to form colonies on agar resembling tiny fried eggs. May this article has provided you the satisfactory information about the PPLO term and today or tomorrow, this information becomes useful for you. So, this article will leave you with the proper and the correct PPLO full form. 

Hope we have covered all your queries regarding :

What is the Full Form of PPLO?

Full Form of PPLO

PPLO Fullform

Fullform of PPLO

PPLO stands for

What does PPLO stand for

What is the PPLO abbreviation of

What does PPLO mean

PPLO is a short form of

Long Form of PPLO

What is the short form of Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms?

What is the long-form of PPLO?

What is an abbreviation of Pleuron Pneumonia Like Organisms?

PPLO is an Acronym of

PPLO is shortened Form of

What is PPLO full form?

PPLO Full Form

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