How To Become A Professional Scrum Master?

Juliet D'cruz

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Scrums are one of the best ways in which businesses can manage their projects. With the rising popularity of the Agile scaled framework, the demand for Scrum Masters is skyrocketing. At this age, the only way to set yourself apart from the crowd and showcase your skills is to get a Professional Scrum Master Certification. This article is going to talk about the basics of Scrums, the role of a Scrum Master, and how to get the Certification. 

What is Scrum?

Scrum is designed to be a framework that guides people in complex problem-solving environments during project management. The purpose of Scrum is to create the most high-value products for the customers of the business. The Principles of Scrum are based on five values of Courage, Focus, Respect, Commitment, and Openness. 

Every Scrum project is led by a small group of people called the Scrum Team. The Scrum Team is composed of a Scrum Master, a Scrum Product Owner, and multiple Developers. Each of them has its own purpose in the Scrum Team. They all have to function together to achieve the unified goals of the organization or the business they work for. 

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Who is a Scrum Master?

The position of the Scrum Master can be very narrow in say that they have to lead the team. But even with this description, there are several duties that a Scrum Master has to perform in their team. Some of them include:

  1. Implementation: Scrum Masters have to implement the project that is being worked on by the Team. The Scrum Master has to integrate the project teams into the organization and handle the communications between the two so that there is clarity and cooperation. 
  2. Managing the Team: The basic function of a Scrum Master to manage their team and ensure they perform their work properly. This involves setting targets, keeping track of progress, and assigning the right duty to the right person. This is all done to ensure that the project is working as per the schedule and does not go off track.
  3. Upholding the Principles of Agile: As Scrum Teams are based on the principles of the Agile Framework, it is necessary for the Scrum Master to ensure that these are followed by their teams. This is achieved by encouraging the usage of continuous integration and automation of work, in order to optimize processes. 

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Scrum Certification:

In order to become a Professional Scrum Master, you need to go through a PSM Online Course. Such courses are conducted by verified trainers affiliated with the Scrum Alliance. It is usually a 2-day training course followed by an exam of 60 minutes where you have to score 85% of questions correctly. Once you pass this exam, you will officially receive your Professional Scrum Master Certification in an email from the Scrum Alliance. 

Learning about Scrums and becoming a Scum Master is definitely a lucrative opportunity. As it is an easy-to-do course and can get you many benefits, we highly advise you to become a Scrum Master!

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