Child Custody Solicitors: Answering The Top 10 Questions

Juliet D'cruz

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Child Custody Solicitors: Answering The Top 10 Questions

1. What is child custody?

In the context of family law, child custody refers to the legal arrangement whereby a parent or guardian has primary control over the child or children in their care. This includes making decisions about the child’s education, health and welfare

2. Who can apply for child custody?

Anyone who has parental responsibility for a child can apply for child custody. This includes mothers, fathers, grandparents and other guardians.

3. How is child custody decided?

The court will always make its decision based on what is in the best interests of the child. Factors that will be considered include the child’s age, wellbeing and relationship with each parent.

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4. How long does child custody last?

There is no set time limit for child custody arrangements. The arrangement can last until the child reaches 18 years of age, or it can be terminated earlier if the child no longer lives with the custodial parent.

5. What are the different types of child custody?

There are two main types of child custody: sole custody and joint custody. Sole custody means that only one parent has primary control over the child, while joint custody means that both parents share responsibility for the child.

6. What are the benefits of sole custody?

Sole custody can provide stability for a child, as they will only have to deal with one primary caregiver. It can also make decision-making easier for the custodial parent.

7. What are the benefits of joint custody?

Joint custody can provide a child with a more equal relationship with both parents. It can also make it easier for parents to co-parent, as they will already have a set parenting schedule and arrangement.

8. What are the drawbacks of sole custody?

The main drawback of sole custody is that it can limit the child’s exposure to the other parent. This can be detrimental to the child’s relationship with the non-custodial parent, as well as their sense of identity.

9. What are the drawbacks of joint custody?

The main drawback of joint custody is that it can be more difficult to coordinate between two households. There may also be more conflict between the parents if they do not see eye-to-eye on child-rearing decisions

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10. How can child custody solicitors help?

Child custody solicitors can provide advice and guidance on the best child custody arrangement for your family. They can also represent you in court if necessary, and liaise with the other parent’s solicitor to reach an agreement that is in the best interests of the child.

Choosing the right child custody solicitor is essential to ensuring that your child’s best interests are taken into account. If you have any further questions about child custody, or would like more information – check out Wilson Browne Solicitors.